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Business Process Optimisation

"If it works for our competitors
it will work for us
"Have we thought about the following"
  • Define Objective/s

    • 30000 Foot View

  • Vendor Selection Criteria

  • Deep Dive

  • Appoint vendor

  • Scope the project

  • Development and Implementation

  • Testing

  • Training

  • Deployment Strategy

  • Roll Back Plan

  • Maintenance


At EO Consulting, We specialise in empowering small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through seamless software solutions integration and implementation.

Our expertise span a wide range, from Financial systems, ERP, CRM to Manufacturing, and beyond.


Embarking on a software implementation journey can be daunting, and we understand the pitfalls that many businesses encounter.

The reasons for software failures are diverse, often stem from the following:



1) Poor planning and analysis of requirements

2) Incorrect or insufficient resources to adequately manage and control the project

3) End-user push back (reluctance to change)

4) Insufficient / inefficient training

5) Data management issues API, ETL, Cleansing

6) False promises from vendors and consultants during the sales cycle

7) Internal politics


At EO Consulting, we recognize the common thread in these challenges: The need for effective project management and analysis and this is precisely where we come in.

Our mission is to ensure your software implementation not only meets but exceeds expectations.

By addressing these challenges head-on, we pave the way for your business to thrive in the digital landscape. Let's transform challenges into opportunities together!


Our team Possess skill sets spanning the following to name a few.

Project Management: PMI accredited Waterfall and Agile

Process Improvement: Six Sigma

Financial services (Insurance markets Short Term and Life)

FMCG Markets

ERP / CRM Integrations



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